2020-07-22T11:41:53-04:00 hello world 2020-07-22T11:44:49-04:00 Syntax highlighting is a waste of an information channel: https://buttondown.email/hillelwayne/archive/syntax-highlighting-is-a-waste-of-an-information/ 2020-07-22T11:56:19-04:00 Some good articles on here -- I'll probably collect a few posts and put together my own list at some point... https://www.benkuhn.net/progessays/ 2020-08-01T12:52:12-04:00 Theory of the day: vimscript is deliberately a horrible language to prevent devs from wasting time customizing their editor. Think of how many developer hours would be lost by vim users if vim was customizable through, say Python 2020-08-20T18:54:53-04:00 TIL: git has a 'notes' subcommand that allows you to tag git objects with arbitrary notes. I wonder how well GitHub PRs integrate with this, becuase I really like the idea of carrying along the notes across different clones 2020-10-21T11:48:18-04:00 Recently discovered a 24/7 Nintendo music stream. It's quite nice to be able to eliminate music choice decision paralysis. Rather than wasting 10-15 min browsing around Spotify playlists I'll just pop out this one liner: youtube-dl -o - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JExLpf2QHc | mpv - 2020-11-21T19:00:20-05:00 switched this web server back to Linux (alpine) -- I don't have the patience to manually install software without docker anymore... 2020-12-11T20:55:18-05:00 Technically just joined the 1000lb club. Across different lifting sessions in the last few weeks, I've done 325lb squat (1 rep), 265lb bench (3 reps), 415lb deadlift (3 reps). Now I gotta do it all in one session and film it :P 2021-01-13T18:42:54-05:00 So, powerline turns out to *not* be a hoax. It actually works pretty well, surprisingly! Better than WiFi in my case, at least. 2023-03-19T11:19:00-05:00 TIL about ECM which is an algorithm to to factorize large (100+ digit) integers quickly. I'm blown away at how fast this stuff is, even in the browser (with WASM): https://www.alpertron.com.ar/ECM.HTM